
Test driving Socrata for Open Data

The Queensland Police Service recently published some data about reported offences from July 1997 to June 2012. I was interested to see how Socrata would handle that data. Here’s the results.

Powered by Socrata

Note that the graph is only displaying the first few years worth of data. Also note that this experiment was conducted for personal enlightenment purposes only!


Spork to Spin

In my last post, I documented the trials and tribulations of getting spork working properly with RSpec, Cucumber, SimpleCov and Mongoid, and a solution I devised to the problems. I also posted my solution to the SimpleCov issues list on GitHub.

Then Christoph Olszowka, the maintainer of SimpleCov introduced me to spin, a lightweight alternative to spork for fast Rails testing written by Jesse Storimer. It takes a different approach to DRb-based solution like spork, which use remote method invocations. Essentially, spin loads up Rails (but does not initialize it) in one process (spin serve), and then you submit RSpec or Test::Unit jobs to it over a unix socket using another process (spin push). This causes spin serve to fork a child process (in much the same way as spork), which loads up the relevant test framework (RSpec or Test::Unit), initializing Rails along the way. This splitting of loading and initializing Rails mirrors part of the spork solution in my previous post. Another thing about spin is that, unlike spork, it doesn’t require you to alter your spec_helper.rb or test_helper.rb file. It just works. It’s also tiny: one small executable ruby file. Simple solutions appeal to me greatly.

However (there’s always a however), it didn’t support Cucumber. Also, spin serve would load up only one test environment (either Test::Unit or RSpec, but not both). Also, the guard plugin for spin (guard-spin) is in its early days, and as such is a little immature. For instance, the Guardfile template it ships with doesn’t watch config/**/*.rb for changes so that it knows when to restart the spin serve process. And if you added that watcher in, it still wouldn’t work because the plugin is only expecting changes on application and test/spec code (i.e., so that it runs spin push). I guess you could always force a reload on the guard CLI, but I shouldn’t have to do that. The other thing with guard-spin is that the spin configuration block in Guardfile needs to watch the relevant files for RSpec and Test::Unit. And with me about to add Cucumber support, that was going to get long and messy.

So, yesterday, sick at home with the flu (which hasn’t yet let up, dammit!) and a nice fever, I set about modifying spin so that it would support Cucumber. But I wanted it so that one spin serve process would handle Cucumber and RSpec (and Test::Unit, but I don’t use it) at the same time. This is because managing one spin serve process through guard is much easier than managing several. Take a look at the guard-spork runner.rb, which needs to manage sporks and global sporks (?) and whatnot to enable multiple sporks to run at the same time listening on a priori agreed ports for the various testing frameworks.

Changing spin to enable this was fairly simple, because spin itself was already an elegant piece of code, IMHO. The other thing I needed to change in spin was the client side of things. Instead of issuing spin push <path1> <path2> ... to submit jobs to spin serve, I wanted to be able to issue spin rspec, spin cucumber or spin testunit with the paths as argument (and also with no paths as argument, so that spin serve would look in the default locations for specs/features/tests). This way the client selects which test framework to run. You just need to make sure you invoked the server with the right options to load the required test frameworks (using the --rspec, --cucumber and --testunit options to spin serve). Interestingly, this all seems to work even when Rails is running in threadsafe mode, which I was not able to achieve with my spork solution. My version of spin is over on GitHub, and I’m going to have a chat with Jesse about whether this is something he might want to pull back into his version of spin.

Of course, a simpler solution isn’t worth as much if it doesn’t retain the performance gains of the more complex solution. Recall that I was seeing a five- to six-fold improvement (in terms of user time) with spork over plain rspec. Here is the comparison between plain rspec and spin rspec on the same specs (and with SimpleCov enabled) that I tested my spork solution with:

Plain rspec:

real	0m9.499s
user	0m8.455s
sys 	0m0.990s

Now spin rspec:

real	0m4.915s
user	0m1.528s
sys 	0m0.106s

Awesome! About the same improvement as the DRb solution, but without the various bits of spork jujitsu and spec_helper.rb modification to make it work. Note that to conduct this very simple benchmark I used the --push-results switch with spin serve so that the output was written to STDOUT by the client rather than the server, which is how rspec --drb works.

That done, the next step was making it all work with guard. I modified guard-spin so that it only handles the spin serve side of things (just like guard-spork handles only starting/restarting/stopping spork), and created the rather ugly-named guard-spin_rspec and guard-spin_cucumber (just like guard-rspec and guard-cucumber). I haven’t done guard-spin_testunit. These guys watch the application and test code directories for changes, and then issue spin rspec|cucumber <path1> <path2> ... as necessary.

Here are the relevant bits of my Gemfile for getting this set up:

gem "spin", :github => "rickyrobinson/spin", :branch => "cucumber"
gem "guard", ">= 0.6.2"
gem "guard-spin", :github => "rickyrobinson/guard-spin", :branch => "cucumber"
gem "guard-spin_rspec", :github => "rickyrobinson/guard-spin_rspec"
gem "guard-spin_cucumber", :github => "rickyrobinson/guard-spin_cucumber"

And, this is the relevant Guardfile config, which you can include automatically with guard init spin|spin_rspec|spin_cucumber:

# Start the spin server with RSpec and Cucumber support, and report time for each run
guard 'spin', :cli => "--time --rspec --cucumber" do
  # Spin itself

guard 'spin_rspec' do
  # RSpec
  # uses the .rspec file
  # --colour --fail-fast --format documentation --tag ~slow
  watch('spec/spec_helper.rb')                        { "spec" }
  watch(%r{^app/(.+)\.rb$})                           { |m| "spec/#{m[1]}_spec.rb" }
  watch(%r{^app/(.+)\.haml$})                         { |m| "spec/#{m[1]}.haml_spec.rb" }
  watch(%r{^lib/(.+)\.rb$})                           { |m| "spec/lib/#{m[1]}_spec.rb" }
  watch(%r{^app/controllers/(.+)_(controller)\.rb$})  { |m| ["spec/routing/#{m[1]}_routing_spec.rb", "spec/#{m[2]}s/#{m[1]}_#{m[2]}_spec.rb", "spec/requests/#{m[1]}_spec.rb"] }

guard 'spin_cucumber' do
  # Cucumber
  watch(%r{^features/support/.+$})          { 'features' }
  watch(%r{^features/step_definitions/(.+)_steps\.rb$}) { |m| Dir[File.join("**/#{m[1]}.feature")][0] || 'features' }

There are still a number of things that could be improved, so please go ahead and fork any of this stuff on GitHub. For instance, the client might try to push jobs to the server before the server has started up properly. This might be fixed by enabling the client or the server to create the socket. Also, it would be nice if guard-spin_[rpsec|cucumber] worked a bit more like guard-[rspec|cucumber] which are a little smarter about which specs/features to run when something changes. Ideally, it would be nice to modify cucumber and rspec so that they know about spin. Then we could just pass --spin instead of --drb and we could ditch guard-spin_[rpsec|cucumber]. It might also be better if the spin client determined whether results should be pushed back or not (i.e., the --push-results switch should be given to spin rspec|cucumber|testunit instead of spin serve). Anyhow, please give it a try.

Now to medicate myself.


When spork puts a fork in your cucumber and a spanner in your specs

TL;DR: Getting Rails, RSpec, Cucumber and SimpleCov to play nicely with spork is a pain. However, it is possible to get them all working together. Ensure config.cache_classes = true, that Rails threadsafe mode (config.threadsafe!) is not enabled, and then see my spec_helper.rb file below.

So, I’m hacking again. How I have missed it. It has been a long time since I’ve had a good solid run of a week to write some code, largely, but not completely, uninterrupted by things like grant writing and meetings. It’s been a lot of fun. But I did lose a day this week due to a not so fun problem in my testing setup…

With a colleague, I’m working on a Rails app that will serve as a platform for some research we want to do along with the boss, and will hopefully be useful in its own right, thereby enabling us to make lots of moolah, build an interplanetary spacecraft, and retire to a little ecodome on Mars. But we sort of just plunged in. No specs, no integration tests. Naughty. It was getting to a point where it was a pain in the butt to test things by opening a browser and refreshing web pages. It’s not always easy to track down the source of a problem when loading web pages manually is your only recourse. And it’s a damn slow way of operating. And since we hadn’t written our specs and features up front, it means I wasn’t being very disciplined in what code I was writing:

“Look, I just wrote a couple of hundred lines of code!”

“Great! Was it all necessary? What feature does it implement?”


This may be a slight exaggeration of a situation that may or may not have actually occurred. The point is, it was time (well past time, actually) to say hello to my friends RSpec, Cucumber, Machinist and SimpleCov. Getting an initial set of specs and features written was easy enough. But then, because the specs and features were taking longer to run than I thought they should, I tried to improve the runtime of the tests with spork. Things went a bit belly up at this point.

The main symptom was getting “NameError: uninitialized constant” all over the place. My tests couldn’t find my models or controllers. I tried moving code from spork’s prefork block to the each_run block. No cigar. I tried explicitly requiring libraries in each_run. I added the app directory of the Rails project to the autoload path since I suspected the eager_load! hacks that spork-rails introduces might have been playing silly buggers with Mongoid. Nothing. And I tried requiring everything under the app directory explicitly in the each_run block, which got me part of the way, but bombed out on Devise-related stuff. I googled. There was lots to read. But mostly, it was about how to stop spork from preloading all your models when you’re using Mongoid in your persistence layer. At this point I’d have been happy if my models were being preloaded! I did find one trick that fixed my specs but made Cucumber complain: set config.cache_classes to false in test.rb.

Then I remembered having switched on config.threadsafe! in application.rb a week or two earlier to solve a problem with EventMachine, Thin and Cramp (yes, the Cramp stuff will be served from a different web server than the Rails stuff shortly, but let’s get back to the problem at hand, shall we?), and I wondered whether this was the source of my current problems. I took a look at what threadsafe mode actually does:

# Enable threaded mode. Allows concurrent requests to controller actions and
# multiple database connections. Also disables automatic dependency loading
# after boot, and disables reloading code on every request, as these are
# fundamentally incompatible with thread safety.
def threadsafe!
  @preload_frameworks = true
  @cache_classes = true
  @dependency_loading = false
  @allow_concurrency = true

Hmm… That looked like a possible cause, since spork was probably relying on reloading code on each run. So, I shifted the call to config.threadsafe! from application.rb to production.rb and development.rb, so that threadsafe mode would be on for production and development environments but not for my test environment. Et voilà! RSpec was happy. Cucumber was (almost) happy. Spork was happy. And now that I’d figured out what to Google, it turns out others have been onto this issue, too, though nobody seems to have delved into it very deeply as far as I can tell.

There was one more problem with my Cucumber features, though. It was complaining about a Devise helper that it didn’t seem to know about. But someone had been there before in the RSpec context. To fix the problem, I added the following code to the bottom of the spork prefork block in my Cucumber env.rb:

  class DeviseController
    include DeviseHelper
    include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
    helper_method :devise_error_messages!
    helper_method :content_tag

I thought my problems were all solved. But alas, I had forgotten to check whether SimpleCov was still working as expected. Nope. There are well known issues when SimpleCov is used with spork. The most glaring one is that SimpleCov just doesn’t get run under spork. Starting SimpleCov in the each_run block when using spork as suggested by a participant in a discussion about the issue on GitHub at least enabled SimpleCov to run. However, I was getting vastly different coverage reports depending on whether I was running under spork or not. That wasn’t cool. SimpleCov needs to be started prior to loading any code that you want coverage reports for, but config/initializers/*.rb are run in prefork, before SimpleCov was starting (since I was now starting SimpleCov in each_run), and one of my initializers was executing custom code I had put in the lib directory of our Rails project. So, what to do?

The fix wasn’t too difficult to figure out. Instead of requiring environment.rb in the prefork block, I required application.rb. This meant that I could load the app without running the initializers. I could then call the initialize! method on my application explicitly in the each_run block after starting SimpleCov. A problem with this is that after the each_run block exits, spork calls initialize! again, blowing things up. But if I didn’t call initialize! explicitly in each_run, I ran into the original NameError problem. So, I just stubbed out the initialize! method after calling it. Ugly, but works. Here’s the entire spec_helper.rb file complete with some Spork.trap_method tricks I pinched from a blog article to prevent Mongoid from preloading the models:

require 'spork'
#uncomment the following line to use spork with the debugger
#require 'spork/ext/ruby-debug'

Spork.prefork do
  ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'test'
  unless ENV['DRB']
    require 'simplecov'
    SimpleCov.start 'rails'

  require 'rails/application'

  # Use of
  Spork.trap_method(Rails::Application, :reload_routes!)
  Spork.trap_method(Rails::Application::RoutesReloader, :reload!)

  require 'rails/mongoid'
  Spork.trap_class_method(Rails::Mongoid, :load_models)

  # Prevent main application to eager_load in the prefork block (do not load files in autoload_paths)
  Spork.trap_method(Rails::Application, :eager_load!)

  require Rails.root.join("config/application")

  # Load all railties files
  Rails.application.railties.all { |r| r.eager_load! }

  require 'rspec/rails'
  require 'email_spec'
  require 'rspec/autorun'

  RSpec.configure do |config|

    config.infer_base_class_for_anonymous_controllers = true

    # Clean up the database
    require 'database_cleaner'
    config.before(:suite) do
      DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation
      DatabaseCleaner.orm = "mongoid"

    config.before(:each) do


Spork.each_run do
  if ENV['DRB']
    require 'simplecov'
    SimpleCov.start 'rails'
    class Statusdash::Application
      def initialize!; end

  # Requires supporting ruby files with custom matchers and macros, etc,
  # in spec/support/ and its subdirectories.
  Dir[Rails.root.join("spec/support/**/*.rb")].each {|f| require f}

Even after this, rspec spec and rspec –drb spec were giving slightly different results, but I was very close. It seemed one of the files from the aforementioned code in the lib directory was still being preloaded. Why? Well, I intend to eventually split out the code in the lib directory into its own repo/gem, and so I had structured it as a gem. In preparation for this eventuality, instead of loading it by adding it to the Rails autoload_paths in application.rb, I added it to Gemfile using the :path option, which meant that the “root” file in the gem was being loaded by bundler in boot.rb. This meant, of course, it was loading in the prefork block. My fix for this was to add :require => false in the Gemfile for that “gem”, and then require it explicitly in the intializer file that used it (which was now not being run until after forking due to the above hacks in spec_helper.rb).

Bingo! SimpleCov was now giving exactly the same coverage results for my specs with and without spork.

Finally, I have RSpec, Cucumber and SimpleCov all running nicely (and speedily) under spork. For what it’s worth, I’m seeing a five to six times speed up in user time for my specs with spork compared to no spork, and I have them automatically run with guard, which along with mongod and some other background processes is in turn managed by foreman. Was it worth all the hassle? It won’t get me my ecodome on Mars, but it was an interesting challenge, my tests run faster, and hopefully this post will help someone else.

Note: this post was updated on 24 July, 2012 to correct the claim of a seven to eight times speed up to a five to six times speed up in terms of user time. Roughly 8.5 seconds compared to 1.5 seconds on a small suite of specs with SimpleCov enabled.


ICT: An industry for all!

Today I joined Group X to speak to year 10 students at St John’s Anglican College in Forest Lake about why there’s never been a better time to launch a career in tech. This post first appeared on the Group X blog, and it’s reposted here with their kind permission.

Dr Ricky Robinson

One of our favourite activities here at Group X is heading out and visiting students to spruik our favourite subject, ICT. This week we visited St John’s Anglican College on the south side of Brisbane for their careers day.

Joining Group X and the I Choose Technology project to talk to students was researcher at National ICT Australia (NICTA’s) Queensland Research Laboratory (QRL), Dr Ricky Robinson.

Responsible for the development of software prototypes, the author of numerous academic papers, and having previously worked in a number of software engineering roles, Dr Robinson said technology, and in particular software, is reinventing the world.

“If you look at any industry, from mining to health to construction to tourism, computer technology is the pivotal reason for advancing and improving efficiencies in each and every one of those industries,” Dr Robinson said. “What other field can you say that about?”

This is great news for ICT professionals, and those aspiring to work in the industry, as it means software and electrical engineers will be in high demand for a long time to come.

To inspire your students about ICT, Dr Robinson believes it is a field where students need to be encouraged to play.

“We all learn better by doing, and of course, learning from our mistakes.

“ICT is about inventing and innovating through design, creative and logical thinking,” Dr Robinson explained.

When asked what inspired Dr Robinson to get into ICT, he said it’s the feeling that technology has the ability to reinvent entire industries.

“Take book retail for example,” he said. “Amazon has been able to completely redefine what it is to be a bookseller because it looked at the business of selling books through the lens of technology.

“In fact, it’s arguably a software company that happens to sell books.”

The research side of ICT, however attracted Dr Robinson because of the many challenging problems facing the twenty-first century that if solved, would make the world a better place.

“NICTA, for example, is working on technologies for greatly expediting the discovery of geothermal energy sources, enabling people with certain kinds of blindness to see again, and improving emergency communication networks in disaster response scenarios,” Dr Robinson explained.

Now that is inspiring.


No startup culture in Australia

Occasionally I go back and read some of Paul Graham‘s past essays. I find them to be a source of enlightenment, mostly on issues surrounding startups. Some gems are consigned to the footnotes:

There are two very different types of startup: one kind that evolves naturally, and one kind that’s called into being to “commercialize” a scientific discovery. Most computer/software startups are now the first type, and most pharmaceutical startups the second. When I talk about startups in this essay, I mean type I startups. There is no difficulty making type II startups spread: all you have to do is fund medical research labs; commercializing whatever new discoveries the boffins throw off is as straightforward as building a new airport. Type II startups neither require nor produce startup culture. But that means having type II startups won’t get you type I startups. Philadelphia is a case in point: lots of type II startups, but hardly any type I.

Incidentally, Google may appear to be an instance of a type II startup, but it wasn’t. Google is not pagerank commercialized. They could have used another algorithm and everything would have turned out the same. What made Google Google is that they cared about doing search well at a critical point in the evolution of the web.

In this footnote alone there is a sizeable nugget of wisdom for any government or other innovation funding body outside of the Valley that cares to listen. Whether you see it as a good thing or a bad thing, it’s clear there is no startup culture in this country. I’d guess that a disproportionate number of ventures in Australia fall into Graham’s type II category: commercialising the results of academic research with no startup culture required and none produced. Notwithstanding the regulatory risk that often accompanies startups formed around a scientific breakthrough (think biotech and pharmaceuticals), the VCs that fund these sorts of ventures would typically shoulder less financial risk than their type I-loving Valley counterparts; there’s a surer trajectory for type II ventures because there are fewer unknowns. Another way of saying this is that series A funding for type II ventures (probably the most common kind of startup in Australia) is more like a series B or C round in the Valley.

The last part of the footnote above is perhaps most important. I hope that governments here don’t think that by allocating tax-payer funded block grants to pseudo-commercial technology “incubators” with an academic bent that a Google will pop out the other end. It could happen, but not by design. What these “investments” are more likely to produce is a steady trickle of good science resulting in the occasional type II startup. If that’s what’s intended, it’s all good, but let’s be clear about it! The creation of a Google by this means would be due more to luck than careful planning, and our current funding models certainly won’t trigger a self-sustaining chain reaction of startups.


RSpec: verifying model instance creation

UPDATE: I think this post may be a complete waste of time. Just stub out the valid? method on your model to return true or false depending upon what you’re testing. See Ryan Bates’ RailsCast on how he tests controllers. I’m a freaking idiot sometimes.

As a good little rspeccer, I try hard to write my specs to verify behaviour rather than any particular implementation of that behaviour, and, for the moment at least, I’m in the “isolate your controllers from the models” camp. If you’re not in that camp (i.e., you don’t mock and prefer to do functional testing alone), this post probably won’t interest you. One case I often had problems with was model instance creation. There are just so many darn ways to create a new model instance! For a few examples:

@order_item = => "hem", :ho => "hum")!

@order_item = order.order_items.create(:hi => "hem", :ho => "hum")

@order_item = OrderItem.some_custom_creation_method(:hi => "hem", :ho => "hum")

The Problem

When you’re writing your spec (up front, of course!), you don’t want to presume too much about how the implementation will unfold. So, do you stub the create method on the model class? But what if we implement using the new/save combo (as above)? Or, what if we create the model instance through an association?

My Solution

My first pass solution to this problem is the following, based on Matthew Heidemann’s association stubbing technique:

module Spec
  module Mocks
    module Methods
      def stub_creators!(association_name, klass, stubs = {}, valid = true)
        target_mock =, {:save => valid, :valid? => valid}.merge!(stubs))
        target_mock.stub!(:save!).and_return do

          valid || raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved)
        klass.stub!(:create).and_return do

        klass.stub!(:create!).and_return do
        mock_association =
        mock_association.stub!(:create).and_return do

        mock_association.stub!(:create!).and_return do

What this is doing

The thinking here is that, when I write my spec, I don’t want to be concerned with whether the implementation takes the create, new/save, build/save, or other route. In my spec I just want to know that at some point the controller asked for a model instance to be created and saved. The above code, which I put in spec_helper.rb, allows my specs to do just that. Essentially, I stub save so that it returns true or false, depending upon the optional valid parameter, and the other creation stubs derive from that: save!, create, create! on the target association class and the association itself. I also stub out new and build for convenience. This code ensures that save is always called, even though we’ve stubbed out create etc. Now if I need to check that a controller action has caused a model instance to be created, I need only ever check that save is called.

An example

In my specs I call stub_creators! on an instance of the association owner (in our example, the association owner is Order), passing it the name of the association I want to stub (order_items), the model class of the association target (OrderItem), optional stubs for instances of the association target, and whether or not we want the returned model instance to be valid (defaults to true). With this in place, I can do this:

describe OrdersController do
    @current_user = mock_model(User, :login => "me", :logged_in? => true)
    @order = @current_user.stub_creators!(:order_items, Order)

  it "should create a new order_item" do
    post 'create'

And it doesn’t matter which route the implementation takes to create that model instance. As long as save is called at some point, I know the controller has triggered the creation of the instance somehow.


Now, while this seems to work for me, I don’t really know whether this is kosher. Is it a sensible approach to take? I haven’t tested this extensively; as I said, it’s a first pass. Also, there’s bound to be stuff missing from my solution (for example, it doesn’t handle find_or_create_by_). Can a similar approach be taken to the various ways to delete an object, too? I shall continue to experiment.


Citemine: a new way to do peer review and publishing

As you probably know, I’m a ubicomp researcher by day. However, on the side, NICTA‘s allowed me to allocate some of my time to develop a new way for researchers to review and publish papers. We’ve deployed a very early proof-of-concept of our idea called Citemine. We think Citemine has several nice properties, including a potentially more meaningful measure of research quality than existing indicators such as h index and raw citation counts. You can read all about the underlying mechanism in Citemine here. Until we deploy a feedback mechanism for papers, please leave your comments about Citemine at the official Citemine blog.

Note that we’re experiencing a few difficulties with our Citemine production server environment, which means slow page loads from time to time. And it’s clearly lacking polish, but hopefully it serves its purpose as a proof-of-concept so that you can get a feel for what it’s all about. But please do read the paper. I’ve been told it’s a fun read.


The PACE framework for context-aware computing

A long time ago, in a Cooperative Research Centre far, far away (well, actually, it used to be just across the road from where I’m writing this post, but it sadly met its demise), a small group of researchers worked on a ubiquitous computing project that came to be known as PACE: Pervasive Autonomic Context-aware Environments. This group produced a framework for context-aware computing, which was the subject of many research papers at Pervasive, PerCom, JPMC and elsewhere. For various reasons, the source code for PACE has only just now come out into the open. Yes, you can now download the PACE framework from SourceForge. Unfortunately, there won’t be a lot of support offered along with the code.


Free internet access on the train in Brisbane

Queensland Rail will be offering south-east Queensland commuters free wireless access to the internet from early 2010, according to the Minister for Transport, Rachel Nolan. This access will use spare capacity on the infrastructure used to transmit real-time video footage from surveillance cameras to QR’s control room at Central Station.

One thing from that story that caught my attention was this:

She (Rachel Nolan) said people living near train lines or stations would not be able to tap into the free internet service because it would be “firewalled”.

That would have to be one pretty intelligent firewall! Here are some actual possibilities to guard against free-loaders. One not so attractive way to do it would be to set a limit on daily downloads. The theory is that there’s only so much you could download on the longest possible trip on the QR network in south-east Queensland (say, Gold Coast to Nambour, or something like that). The other more attractive solution, in my opinion, would be to tie usage to go cards. Your internet session starts when you swipe on at the beginning of your journey, and it finishes when you swipe off. There’d be some kind of web-based login procedure like you get at hotels and elsewhere, where you enter your go card number to gain access; or regular users could have the option of registering the MAC address of their wireless card with QR/Translink to skip the login procedure. Given that it still takes ages for a credit card top up to find its way onto my go card, I don’t hold out much hope for QR/Translink being able to implement this particular solution within the already very optimistic time frame of early 2010. But I do think it’s a reasonable long term solution. It might even help Translink in their quest to move more commuters over to the go card from paper tickets.


Social Radar: Twitter on top

There are many ways to measure brand awareness. As in most analyses, you shouldn’t rely on any single metric to determine which brands have most mindshare. Having said that, the Social Radar Top 50 Social Brands ranking is interesting. It measures conversations and web chatter. According to the ranking, Twitter comes out on top. Google comes in second, and Facebook makes it into fifth place. One of Twitter’s major competitors, FriendFeed, doesn’t even make it into the top 50 by this particular measure (did Scoble back the wrong horse and Kawasaki the right one?). But this ranking didn’t just include “social networking” brands. Rather, it was a survey of how frequently any brand was mentioned in a collection of blog posts, news feeds, forums, social networks and Twitter posts. Interestingly, such well known brands as Coke and McDonald’s fell outside the top 50. I imagine this is because these brands no longer have novelty value. They are ingrained in our culture. Really the only time we could be bothered blogging about these sorts of brands is when controversy strikes, or when someone makes a provocative movie like Super Size Me.

So what does this mean? It means that right now Twitter is hot. People are talking about it, and that’s the best that Biz Stone and company could hope for. The big question for Twitter is how to convert all the talk into more users, and ultimately revenue. If they do manage to do this, it would be nice to know how they did it!