My family and me

The ones Karen rejected

Karen has a very critical eye when it comes to photos, especially her own photos. In order to let a few more of her snaps see the light of day, I’ve created an album in my gallery called Karen’s Rejects. This also saves me from having to take my own pictures. It contains a small selection of those photos that don’t make it onto her photo blog. Here are some that she took today at Mount Glorious.

It was a wet, overcast day. But it made for a great drive up to Mount Glorious, which was shrouded in clouds. The atmosphere created by the fog as we drove through the rainforest was worth the trip alone. The Elm Haus Cafe was very inviting to the sodden traveller, and provided us with a homely lunchtime meal. We plan to revisit for Devonshire Tea sometime.

By ricky

Husband, dad, R&D manager and resident Lean Startup evangelist. I work at NICTA.

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