Random observations

Ricky 1, go card 0

go card
So I bought a Translink go card yesterday. Up to now I’d been using paper weekly tickets, but because I work at home on Wednesdays, this wasn’t the most cost-effective solution. 10-trip savers would have been the best option, except that I sometimes catch the train. So go card it is. My first experience with the go card was good for me, but not so good for Translink: the card readers on the bus were not operational. Free ride. I love the go card.

By ricky

Husband, dad, R&D manager and resident Lean Startup evangelist. I work at NICTA.

2 replies on “Ricky 1, go card 0”

I am currently giving the Go Card a go too. The touch off thing is kind of annoying and I am convinced that I’ll soon build up a track record for forgetting to touch off. Plus the bus drivers haven’t really gotten used to the touch off system, just the other day I went to touch off but found that the machine had been turned off because the bus driver was changing the bus number. He turned the machine back on so I could touch off, but I noticed I had not registered a touch off when checking my go card account online. :( So no free journeys yet and right now I am actually worse off then had I stuck to the ten trip saver, but apparently go card drops the price of the journey if you are a frequent travel on the same route, so once that kicks in, I should be saving money…

Just purchased ‘go card’ last Monday with $20 in it. I’ve used it for 4 times for ONLY 2 Zones and guess what!? I got only $1.70 left on my ‘go card’. I’ve checked my usage history and it seemed that scanner charged me incorrect fare! I hate it! will no longer use it. Better to use weekly paper tickets!

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