Random observations

More on the 2LD

In a previous post, I documented my enquiry into Enetica‘s interpretation of auDA‘s Domain Name Eligibility and Allocation Policy rules. I replied to Enetica, pointing out that nicknames are not covered by any part of the document in question. Here is Enetica’s very interesting response to that e-mail:

The auDA policy document you quote does in fact say what you say it does, but for various reasons, it is not interpreted that way by registrars. auDA has issued a guideline to registrars which very clearly says domains can be based on ‘nicknames’. This guide has been in force for about a year, and has not resulted in any significant abuse of the domain space.

The document I refer to is at: and in particular Schedule C.

Check it out for yourselves. This document, which auDA has created to outline the way the domain name eligibility rules should be interpreted by accredited registrars, is far more lenient than the policy document itself. One day, somebody’s going to have a field day with this.

By ricky

Husband, dad, R&D manager and resident Lean Startup evangelist. I work at NICTA.